Megadoom II
MEGADOOM II - iso.7z
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750 lines
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr. (rfenske@swri.edu)
Southwest Research Institute
Electromagnetics Division
6220 Culebra
San Antonio, Texas 78238-5166
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This module contains routines to generate the SEGS,
SSECTORS, and NODES sections. It needs only the
LINEDEFS and VERTEXES as input. These three sections
combine to form a binary space partition tree. This
tree is built by recursively dividing the space into
sections that balance (or at least try to) the number
of segments and produce the least number of segment
splits. The nodes are kept in a binary tree. The
segments are kept in an ordered doubly-linked list.
The created vertices are added to the end of the
vertex list. Once the divisions are complete, the
SEGS, SSECTORS, and NODES structures are created from
the binary tree and the segment and vertex lists. Any
memory allocated for the binary tree or the linked
list is freed when no longer needed.
This module does not do any error checking on any
memory allocation. If any allocation ever fails, this
module will bomb.
This module used to do some error checking while
building the node tree, but now the tree is generated
regardless of whether the input describes a correct,
playable map.
I wrote the code from the description of the binary
space partition in the Unofficial DOOM Specs written
by Matt Fell. I found these references after I did
the coding:
1) Computer Graphics Principles and Practice,
2nd ed 1990
Foley J.D., van Dam A., Feiner S.K., Hughes J.F.
ISBN 0-201-12110-7
2) "On Visible Surface Generation by a Priori Tree
Fuchs H., Kedem Z.M., Naylor B.F.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings)
v14 #3 July 1980 pp 124-133
3) "Near Real-Time Shaded Display of Rigid Objects"
Fuchs H., Abram G.D., Grant E.D.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '83 Proceesings)
v17 #3 July 1983 pp 65-72
DOOM is a trademark of id Software, Inc.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if !defined(__OS2__)
#include <values.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dmglobal.i"
#if defined(__OS2__)
#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880
#define tree_branch(c) ((c)=blockmem(NODE_TREE,1), \
(c)->left=NULL, (c)->right=NULL, (c))
#define two_sided(l) (lines[l].lsidndx != -1)
#define vdist2(v1,v2) (((long)(v1).x-(v2).x)*((long)(v1).x-(v2).x)+\
typedef struct SEGS_INFO {
DOOM_SEGS seg; /* a SEGment */
struct SEGS_INFO *prev, *next; /* to previous, next SEGment */
typedef struct NODE_TREE {
short ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax; /* node rectangle limits */
SEGS_INFO *pseg; /* partition line SEG */
SEGS_INFO *segs; /* node's SEGS */
short nsegs; /* # initial SEGS in node */
struct NODE_TREE *left, *right; /* left, right children */
typedef struct NODE_INFO {
DOOM_NODE *nodes; /* all nodes */
int nnodes; /* total # NODES */
DOOM_VERT *sverts; /* all SEGS vertices */
int nsverts; /* total # SEGS vertices */
DOOM_SEGS *segs; /* all nodes' SEGS */
int nsegs; /* total # segs */
DOOM_SSECTOR *ssecs; /* all nodes' SSECTORs */
int nssecs; /* total # SSECTORs */
SEGS_INFO *sinfo; /* all SEGS lists */
local NODE_INFO ninfo; /* node information */
ROUTINE: nodes_segs_init(lines,nlines)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine initializes the SEGS list by scanning the
LINEDEFS list and creating the appropriate SEGS
entries. A seg is created for each side a LINEDEF has.
It returns the number of SEGS created.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local int nodes_segs_init(register DOOM_LINE *lines, long nlines)
local int nodes_segs_init(lines,nlines)
register DOOM_LINE *lines;
long nlines;
DOOM_VERT *vf, *vt;
register SEGS_INFO *sinfo;
register int nsegs;
register int l;
nsegs = 0;
ninfo.sinfo = sinfo = blockmem(SEGS_INFO,1);
sinfo->prev = NULL;
for (l = 0; l < nlines; l++) { /* scan all lines */
sinfo->seg.fndx = lines[l].fndx;
sinfo->seg.tndx = lines[l].tndx;
vf = &ninfo.sverts[sinfo->seg.fndx], vt = &ninfo.sverts[sinfo->seg.tndx];
sinfo->seg.angle = (bams)(vt->y==vf->y && vt->x<vf->x ? BAMS180 :
sinfo->seg.sndx = 0; /* right side */
sinfo->seg.lndx = l;
sinfo->seg.loffset = 0;
sinfo->next = blockmem(SEGS_INFO,1); /* set up for next one */
sinfo->next->prev = sinfo;
sinfo = sinfo->next;
if (two_sided(l)) { /* a left side also */
sinfo->seg.fndx = lines[l].tndx; /* switch vertices */
sinfo->seg.tndx = lines[l].fndx;
sinfo->seg.angle = sinfo->prev->seg.angle+BAMS180;
sinfo->seg.sndx = 1; /* left side */
sinfo->seg.lndx = l;
sinfo->seg.loffset = 0;
sinfo->next = blockmem(SEGS_INFO,1); /* set up for next one */
sinfo->next->prev = sinfo;
sinfo = sinfo->next;
sinfo->prev->next = NULL;
blockfree(sinfo); /* don't need this one */
return nsegs; /* return # created SEGS */
ROUTINE: nodes_split_seg(pseg,seg,right,left)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine splits the input segment into left and
right segments based on the input partition line. The
intersection of the partition line (based on the input
"from" and "to" coordinates) with the segment is found
so that a new vertex can be added to the vertex list.
The offset field of the left and right segments are
computed from the distance to the new vertex along the
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void nodes_split_seg(SEGS_INFO *pseg, SEGS_INFO *seg,
register SEGS_INFO **right,
register SEGS_INFO **left)
local void nodes_split_seg(pseg,seg,right,left)
SEGS_INFO *pseg, *seg;
register SEGS_INFO **right, **left;
DOOM_VERT *pf = &ninfo.sverts[pseg->seg.fndx],
*pt = &ninfo.sverts[pseg->seg.tndx],
*vf = &ninfo.sverts[seg->seg.fndx],
*vt = &ninfo.sverts[seg->seg.tndx];
long Ap = -((long)pt->y - pf->y), /* partition line is */
Bp = (long)pt->x - pf->x, /* Ax + By + C = 0 */
Cp = (long)pt->y*pf->x - (long)pt->x*pf->y;
long As = -((long)vt->y - vf->y), /* SEG line is */
Bs = (long)vt->x - vf->x, /* Ax + By + C = 0 */
Cs = (long)vt->y*vf->x - (long)vt->x*vf->y;
double x, y; /* intersection coords */
DOOM_VERT iv; /* intersection vertex */
register int v; /* intersection vertex index */
*right = blockmem(SEGS_INFO,1); /* new right side SEG */
(*right)->seg = seg->seg;
(*right)->next = NULL;
*left = blockmem(SEGS_INFO,1); /* new left side SEG */
(*left)->seg = seg->seg;
(*left)->next = NULL;
x = ((double)Bs*Cp - (double)Bp*Cs)/((double)Bp*As - (double)Bs*Ap);
y = -((double)As*Cp - (double)Ap*Cs)/((double)Bp*As - (double)Bs*Ap);
iv.x = x + sgn(x)*0.5;
iv.y = y + sgn(y)*0.5;
ninfo.sverts[v = ninfo.nsverts++] = iv; /* add new vertex to list */
if (seg->seg.sndx == 0) { /* this is a right side SEG */
if (Ap*vf->x + Bp*vf->y + Cp < 0) {
(*right)->seg.tndx = v;
(*left)->seg.fndx = v;
(*left)->seg.loffset = seg->seg.loffset + sqrt((double)vdist2(*vf,iv));
}else {
(*right)->seg.fndx = v;
(*right)->seg.loffset = seg->seg.loffset + sqrt((double)vdist2(*vt,iv));
(*left)->seg.tndx = v;
}else { /* this is a left side SEG */
if (Ap*vt->x + Bp*vt->y + Cp < 0) {
(*right)->seg.fndx = v;
(*right)->seg.loffset = seg->seg.loffset + sqrt((double)vdist2(*vt,iv));
(*left)->seg.tndx = v;
}else {
(*right)->seg.tndx = v;
(*left)->seg.fndx = v;
(*left)->seg.loffset = seg->seg.loffset + sqrt((double)vdist2(*vf,iv));
ROUTINE: nodes_insert_seg(seglist,seg,preinsert)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine inserts the input SEG into the SEGS list
either before or after the SEG that seglist references,
depending on the preinsert flag.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void nodes_insert_seg(register SEGS_INFO *seglist,
register SEGS_INFO *seg,
int preinsert)
local void nodes_insert_seg(seglist,seg,preinsert)
register SEGS_INFO *seglist, *seg;
int preinsert;
if (preinsert) { /* insert before */
seg->prev = seglist->prev;
seg->next = seglist;
}else { /* insert after */
seg->prev = seglist;
seg->next = seglist->next;
if (seg->prev != NULL) seg->prev->next = seg;
if (seg->next != NULL) seg->next->prev = seg;
ROUTINE: nodes_segs_bounds(node)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine scans all the SEGS contained in the input
node to find the minimum and maximum coordinates for
the node boundaries.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void nodes_segs_bounds(register NODE_TREE *node)
local void nodes_segs_bounds(node)
register NODE_TREE *node;
register SEGS_INFO *sinfo;
register DOOM_VERT *vf, *vt;
register int s;
node->xmin = node->ymin = ~(-1<<(8*sizeof(node->xmin)-1));
node->xmax = node->ymax = -node->xmin;
for (sinfo = node->segs, s = 0; s < node->nsegs; s++) {
vf = &ninfo.sverts[sinfo->seg.fndx], vt = &ninfo.sverts[sinfo->seg.tndx];
if (vf->x < node->xmin) node->xmin = vf->x;
if (vf->y < node->ymin) node->ymin = vf->y;
if (vt->x < node->xmin) node->xmin = vt->x;
if (vt->y < node->ymin) node->ymin = vt->y;
if (node->xmax < vf->x) node->xmax = vf->x;
if (node->ymax < vf->y) node->ymax = vf->y;
if (node->xmax < vt->x) node->xmax = vt->x;
if (node->ymax < vt->y) node->ymax = vt->y;
sinfo = sinfo->next;
ROUTINE: nodes_select_side(pseg,seg)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine returns whether the input segment is
on the right side, left side, or both sides of the
partition line of the input node. This is done by
determining on which side of the partition line each
vertex of the seg lies. Given that the partition line
is Ax + By + C = 0 and a vertex is (Vx,Vy), the
intersection of the partition line and the shortest-
distance line from the vertex to the partition line
is given by
Xi = Vx - b * d
Yi = Vy - a * d
where a = B/(A^2+B^2)^.5, b = A/(A^2+B^2)^.5,
c = C/(A^2+B^2)^.5, and d = a*Vx + b*Vy + c. Since
the directional information can be obtained from
Xi - Vx = Vx - b*d - Vx = -b*d and
Yi - Vx = Vy - a*d - Vy = -a*d, only d is needed to
determine which side the vertex lies on. Thus only
the sign (-1, 0, or +1) of d = (A*Vx + B*Vy + C) /
(A^2 + B^2)^.5 needs to be considered. This simple
matrix can be used to determine the side:
"from" "to" vertex
vertex left on right
left left left both
on left ? right
right both right right
For the ? case, the side information in the seg must
be used to determine the "sidedness". Right is denoted
with 0, left denoted by 1, and both denoted by -1.
A, B, C, and d are calculated only when required to
enhance the speed of the routine.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local int nodes_select_side(DOOM_SEGS *pseg, DOOM_SEGS *seg)
local int nodes_select_side(pseg,seg)
DOOM_SEGS *pseg, *seg;
static int rightleft[3][3] = { { 1, 1, -1 },
{ 1, -2, 0 },
{ -1, 0, 0 } };
static DOOM_VERT *lpf = NULL, *lpt = NULL; /* last partition line verts */
static long A, B, C; /* describes partition line */
static long pd;
DOOM_VERT *pf = &ninfo.sverts[pseg->fndx], /* partition line vertices */
*pt = &ninfo.sverts[pseg->tndx],
*vf = &ninfo.sverts[seg->fndx], /* segment vertices */
*vt = &ninfo.sverts[seg->tndx];
long pfd, ptd;
int sideflag;
register int fside, tside; /* "from"/"to" vertex side */
if (lpf != pf || lpt != pt) { /* update A,B,C if have to */
A = -((long)pt->y - pf->y); /* partition line is */
B = (long)pt->x - pf->x; /* Ax + By + C = 0 */
C = (long)pt->y*pf->x - (long)pt->x*pf->y;
pd = (long)(sqrt((double)A*A+(double)B*B)/M_SQRT2+0.5);
lpf = pf; /* save new vertices */
lpt = pt;
pfd = A*vf->x + B*vf->y + C;
fside = (pfd>=0)-(pfd<=-0); /* "from" vertex side */
ptd = A*vt->x + B*vt->y + C;
tside = (ptd>=0)-(ptd<=-0); /* "to" vertex side */
sideflag = rightleft[1-fside][1-tside];
if (sideflag == -1) { /* test again for "both" */
fside = (pfd>=pd)-(pfd<=-pd); /* "from" vertex side */
tside = (ptd>=pd)-(ptd<=-pd); /* "to" vertex side */
sideflag = rightleft[1-fside][1-tside];
if (sideflag == -2) /* need to determine based */
sideflag = pseg->angle != seg->angle; /* on direction */
return sideflag;
ROUTINE: nodes_divide_node(node,left,right)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine divides the input node into left and
right nodes based on the partition line of the input
node. This essentially means that the list of SEGS
associated with the input node must be divided into
left and right collections of SEGS. This division is
done by moving all the left side SEGS to the end of
the SEGS list, leaving all right side SEGS at the front
of the list. Those SEGS that need to be split have
their new right side SEG take the position of the old
SEG and their new left side SEG put at the end of the
list. Once the list is divided, the right and left
nodes are set the appropriate section of the list and
their bounds are computed.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void nodes_divide_node(register NODE_TREE *node, NODE_TREE *right,
NODE_TREE *left)
local void nodes_divide_node(node,right,left)
register NODE_TREE *node;
NODE_TREE *right, *left;
int sideflag;
int i;
SEGS_INFO *next, *end;
SEGS_INFO *lseg, *rseg; /* for splitting seg in two */
register SEGS_INFO *sinfo;
sinfo = node->segs;
right->nsegs = left->nsegs = 0;
for (end = sinfo, i = 0; i < node->nsegs-1; i++) end = end->next;
for (i = 0; i < node->nsegs; i++) { /* scan all node's SEGS */
sideflag = nodes_select_side(&node->pseg->seg,&sinfo->seg);
next = sinfo->next;
switch (sideflag) {
case 0: right->nsegs++; /* just add to right's total */
bcase 1: if (sinfo->prev != NULL) /* move to end of list */
sinfo->prev->next = sinfo->next;
if (sinfo->next != NULL)
sinfo->next->prev = sinfo->prev;
if (end == sinfo) end = sinfo->prev;
if (node->segs == sinfo) node->segs = sinfo->next;
end = sinfo;
bcase -1: nodes_split_seg(node->pseg,sinfo,&rseg,&lseg);
sinfo->seg = rseg->seg; /* make this the right SEG */
blockfree(rseg); /* don't need this now */
nodes_insert_seg(end,lseg,FALSE);/* add left SEG to end */
end = lseg;
ninfo.nsegs++; /* one more for total */
sinfo = next;
for (sinfo = node->segs, i = 0; i < right->nsegs; i++)
sinfo = sinfo->next;
right->segs = node->segs; /* SEGS on right side of */
nodes_segs_bounds(right); /* partition line are here */
left->segs = sinfo; /* EGS on left side of */
nodes_segs_bounds(left); /* partition line are here */
ROUTINE: nodes_partition_line(node)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine searches for a suitable SEG to use as a
partition line (which will divide the input node).
Suitable is taken to mean the SEG that most equalizes
the number of SEGS on each side of the partition line
and mimimizes the number of SEG splits that need to be
done. Ideally, the partition line should also do
this for all the node's children as well, but the
calculations would be far too time consuming; therefore
only the input node is considered. The most suitable
partition is found by selecting the SEG that maximizes
the (geometric mean)^2 of the right and left side
counts and the number of splits. The geometric mean
is computed via A*Rc*Lc/(B*Sc+1) where Rc, Lc, Sc
are the right side, left side, and split counts
respectively and A, B are empirical constants (the
+1 is for the split count zero case). The geometric
mean variable is initialized to -1 so that at least
one SEG will qualify (even if the maximum mean is
zero). This routine sets the node's partition line
to be the SEG that creates the best (maximum) geometric
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local void nodes_partition_line(register NODE_TREE *node)
local void nodes_partition_line(node)
register NODE_TREE *node;
long bgm = -1L; /* max geometric mean count */
long gm; /* geometric mean count */
int rcnt, lcnt, splits;
char *linetry = blockmem(char,ninfo.nsegs); /* lines used flags */
register int sideflag;
register SEGS_INFO *sinfo, *iseg;
register int s, i;
sinfo = node->segs;
for (s = 0; s < node->nsegs; s++) { /* scan SEGS in node */
if (!linetry[sinfo->seg.lndx]) { /* try as partition line */
rcnt = lcnt = splits = 0;
iseg = node->segs;
for (i = 0; i < node->nsegs; i++) { /* get SEGS pos w.r.t. pseg */
sideflag = nodes_select_side(&sinfo->seg,&iseg->seg);
if (sideflag == 0) rcnt++; /* count SEGS on both sides */
else if (sideflag == 1) lcnt++; /* of the partition line */
else if (sideflag == -1) splits++;
iseg = iseg->next;
gm = rcnt*lcnt/(17*splits/3+1); /* 1, 17/3 are empirical */
if (rcnt != node->nsegs)
if (bgm < gm)
bgm = gm, node->pseg = sinfo; /* best partition so far */
linetry[sinfo->seg.lndx] = TRUE; /* now have tried this line */
sinfo = sinfo->next;
blockfree(linetry); /* done with this */
ROUTINE: nodes_subsector_test(node)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine checks whether the input node can be
an SSECTOR or not. To be a subsector, the SEGS in
the node must describe a convex polygon (no interior
angles > 180 degrees). This is equivalent to having
all the SEGS on the right side of each other.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local int nodes_subsector_test(register NODE_TREE *node)
local int nodes_subsector_test(node)
register NODE_TREE *node;
int subsector = TRUE;
register SEGS_INFO *sinfo, *iseg;
register int s, i;
sinfo = node->segs;
for (s = 0; subsector && s < node->nsegs; s++) {/* scan all SEGS */
for (iseg = node->segs, i = 0; i < node->nsegs; i++) {
if (i != s) {
if (nodes_select_side(&sinfo->seg,&iseg->seg) != 0) {
subsector = FALSE; /* interior angle > 180 degs */
break; /* so not an SSECTOR */
iseg = iseg->next;
sinfo = sinfo->next;
return subsector;
ROUTINE: nodes_partition_node(node)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine performs the binary space partitioning.
It recursively divides (partitions) the input node
until each leaf of the subtree defined by the input
node is an SSECTOR. A partition line is obtained and
the left and right subtrees are allocated. The left
subtree is always checked first. If it is not an
SSECTOR, a recursive call is made to further divide
the left subtree. The same procedure is then performed
on the right subtree. The number of left and right
children plus one for the current node is returned.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local int nodes_partition_node(register NODE_TREE *node)
local int nodes_partition_node(node)
register NODE_TREE *node;
int nl, nr; /* # left, right nodes */
register NODE_TREE *left, *right; /* left, right children */
nodes_partition_line(node); /* obtain partition line */
node->right = tree_branch(right);
node->left = tree_branch(left);
if (nodes_subsector_test(left)) { /* found an SSECTOR */
nl = 1;
}else { /* need further subdivision */
nl = nodes_partition_node(left);
if (nodes_subsector_test(right)) { /* found an SSECTOR */
nr = 1;
}else { /* need further subdivision */
nr = nodes_partition_node(right);
return nl + nr + 1; /* # left + # right + this 1 */
ROUTINE: nodes_place_node(nodes,nndx,sndx,nodetree)
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine builds the NODES structure from the
input node tree. It traverses the node tree in a
post-order fashion, left side first. As the tree is
scanned, the NODES, SSECTORS, and SEGS lists are filled
in as appropriate. The SSECTORS and SEGS lists are
referenced through the ninfo block. The node tree
entries are deleted after they are used. The node
number (or index) is returned, unless an SSECTOR is
found, then a -(SSECTOR number) is returned.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
local int nodes_place_node(register DOOM_NODE *nodes, int *nndx, int *sndx,
register NODE_TREE *nodetree)
local int nodes_place_node(nodes,nndx,sndx,nodetree)
register DOOM_NODE *nodes;
int *nndx, *sndx;
register NODE_TREE *nodetree;
int nnum; /* node number to return */
int lnum, rnum;
SEGS_INFO *sinfo, *next;
register DOOM_NODE *node;
register int s;
if (nodetree->left != NULL) { /* traverse node subtree */
lnum = nodes_place_node(nodes,nndx,sndx,nodetree->left);
rnum = nodes_place_node(nodes,nndx,sndx,nodetree->right);
node = &nodes[nnum = (*nndx)++];
node->x = ninfo.sverts[nodetree->pseg->seg.fndx].x;/* these 4 describe */
node->y = ninfo.sverts[nodetree->pseg->seg.fndx].y;/* the partition line */
node->xdel = ninfo.sverts[nodetree->pseg->seg.tndx].x - node->x;
node->ydel = ninfo.sverts[nodetree->pseg->seg.tndx].y - node->y;
node->lymax = nodetree->left->ymax;
node->lymin = nodetree->left->ymin;
node->lxmin = nodetree->left->xmin;
node->lxmax = nodetree->left->xmax;
if (lnum < 0) node->nndx[1] = 0x8000 | (-lnum-1);/* mark as SSECTOR */
else node->nndx[1] = lnum; /* mark as NODE */
blockfree(nodetree->left); /* done with left subtree */
node->rymax = nodetree->right->ymax;
node->rymin = nodetree->right->ymin;
node->rxmin = nodetree->right->xmin;
node->rxmax = nodetree->right->xmax;
if (rnum < 0) node->nndx[0] = 0x8000 | (-rnum-1);/* mark as SSECTOR */
else node->nndx[0] = rnum; /* mark as NODE */
blockfree(nodetree->right); /* done with right subtree */
}else { /* SSECTOR (tree leaf) */
ninfo.ssecs[*sndx].count = nodetree->nsegs;
if (*sndx == 0) ninfo.ssecs[*sndx].sndx = 0;
else ninfo.ssecs[*sndx].sndx = ninfo.ssecs[*sndx-1].sndx+
sinfo = nodetree->segs;
for (s = 0; s < nodetree->nsegs; s++) { /* copy node's SEGS to full */
ninfo.segs[ninfo.nsegs++] = sinfo->seg; /* SEGS array */
next = sinfo->next;
sinfo = next;
nnum = -++(*sndx); /* mark as leaf */
return nnum; /* ret node # or <0 if leaf */
ROUTINE: nodes_make(nodes,nnodes,ssecs,nssecs,segs,nsegs,
WRITTEN BY: Robert Fenske, Jr.
CREATED: Mar. 1994
DESCRIPTION: This routine generates the NODES, SSECTORS, and SEGS
sections. It first finds the minimum and maximum x,y
coordinates of the map to use in the root of the node
tree. Then the node tree root is created. The
necessary counters in the ninfo block are zeroed and
the SEGS vertices list is allocated. Then
nodes_partition_node() is called to build the node
tree. Next, the NODES, SSECTORS, and SEGS lists are
allocated based on the values calculated during the
construction of the node tree. The necessary counters
are zeroed and nodes_place_node() is called to fill
the NODES, SSECTORS, and SEGS lists with the correct
information. All the appropriate values are placed
into the return variables and the number of computed
node entries is returned.
#if defined(ANSI_C)
long nodes_make(DOOM_NODE **nodes, long *nnodes, DOOM_SSECTOR **ssecs,
long *nssecs, DOOM_SEGS **segs, long *nsegs,
DOOM_VERT **verts, long *nverts, DOOM_LINE **lines,
long *nlines)
long nodes_make(nodes,nnodes,ssecs,nssecs,segs,nsegs,verts,nverts,lines,nlines)
DOOM_NODE **nodes;
long *nnodes;
long *nssecs;
DOOM_SEGS **segs;
long *nsegs;
DOOM_VERT **verts;
long *nverts;
DOOM_LINE **lines;
long *nlines;
NODE_TREE *nodetree; /* BSP node tree */
register int i;
ninfo.nsverts = -1;
for (i = 0; i < *nlines; i++) { /* find maximum used vertex */
if (ninfo.nsverts < (*lines)[i].fndx) ninfo.nsverts = (*lines)[i].fndx;
if (ninfo.nsverts < (*lines)[i].tndx) ninfo.nsverts = (*lines)[i].tndx;
ninfo.sverts = blockmem(DOOM_VERT,2*ninfo.nsverts);/* assume no more than */
for (i = 0; i < ninfo.nsverts; i++) /* nsverts new verts created */
ninfo.sverts[i] = (*verts)[i];
ninfo.nsegs = nodes_segs_init(*lines,*nlines);/* initialize SEGS list */
nodetree = tree_branch(nodetree); /* node tree root */
nodetree->nsegs = ninfo.nsegs;
nodetree->segs = ninfo.sinfo;
printf("%d sides ==> ",ninfo.nsegs);
ninfo.nnodes = nodes_partition_node(nodetree)/2;/* BSP it */
ninfo.nodes = blockmem(DOOM_NODE,ninfo.nnodes);
ninfo.nssecs = ninfo.nnodes+1; /* always 1 more SSECTOR */
ninfo.ssecs = blockmem(DOOM_SSECTOR,ninfo.nssecs);
ninfo.segs = blockmem(DOOM_SEGS,ninfo.nsegs);
ninfo.nsegs = ninfo.nssecs = ninfo.nnodes = 0;
if (nodes != NULL) *nodes = ninfo.nodes;
if (nnodes != NULL) *nnodes = ninfo.nnodes;
if (ssecs != NULL) *ssecs = ninfo.ssecs;
if (nssecs != NULL) *nssecs = ninfo.nssecs;
if (segs != NULL) *segs = ninfo.segs;
if (nsegs != NULL) *nsegs = ninfo.nsegs;
if (verts != NULL) *verts = ninfo.sverts;
if (nverts != NULL) *nverts = ninfo.nsverts;
blockfree(nodetree); /* done with the node tree */
return *nnodes; /* return number of nodes */